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Wingfoil intro package (4 hours)
Includes the following:
- 1 hr Wing Lesson on a large board + 1 hr of Practice time on large board (no foil)
- 1 hr Wingfoil Lesson with Wing and Wingfoil board + 1 hr practice
Regular price 245$ US
Special Holidays Offer: 200$
- 1 hr Wing Lesson on a large board + 1 hr of Practice time on large board (no foil)
- 1 hr Wingfoil Lesson with Wing and Wingfoil board + 1 hr practice
Regular price 245$ US
Special Holidays Offer: 200$
More Details
To book your package or learn more about these fantastic deals, please contact Naiyeni via email or Whatsapp Call +1(809) 571-08.05
Thank you for being a part of the Vela Cabarete community, and we look forward to sharing the water with you soon!
Best regards,
Audrey and Jens, and the Vela Cabarete Team